Monday, September 30, 2013

Needle books and Dollhouse pilllows

I finished some needle books last night. I had some sewing fabric in my stash, that I thought would make a nice needle book. I did some embroidery around the edge. My photos don't do justice to my work. The colors (in person) are bright and crisp on this one, but the photo don't make it look that way.  I'm happy with my work, just not with my photos. (Practice, practice, practice.)

The inside has 4 felt pages and is a teal-ish color.

I couldn't resist all the tiny angels.  You think they might protect someone from pricking their fingers?

There is 2 blue felt pages inside this one.

More sewing fabric that I had in my stash made a cute needle book. I did some embroidery work around the edge of this one too. Button hole stitch, or sometimes called blanket stitch.

The inside has 4 white felt pages.

 And on this one the crisp colors again came out fuzzy looking.

And inside I put 4 black felt pages.

I also finished up some doll house pillows.  
I love the little chickens on this fabric I found. You'll be seeing more of these, cause there are different colors I'm making.

These owls are not finished yet. I still have to add the stuffing. But I had to give you a peek cause the owls are so cute.

That about catches you up on what I been up to.
Thanks for dropping by.
Smiles to you.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

I'm back on line!

I'm back! I'm back!
What a good feeling to be back on line.

I been busy even though I could not post. I worked on some needle books, that should be ready to take pics of tomorrow. And I made these dollhouse pillows for my Etsy shop.

Thank you for dropping by.
Smiles to you.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Still posting from the library

Here I am at the library again.
I'll sure be glad when I have a computer again. It's amazing how much I miss it, and how much information and photos I lost when It died. The shop says it may just be in a coma and I might be able to get my files back. I hope so.
I'll try to get up here every couple days to make a short post and read some of your  blogs. 
Thanks for dropping by
Smiles to you

Monday, September 23, 2013

At the Library

I'm at the library posting this. My computer crashed a couple days ago. I'll post when I can, and hope to be back up and running soon.
Thank you for dropping in.
Smiles to you

Sunday, September 15, 2013

More Crochet Necklaces

I got out my crochet hooks today and did some crocheting.
This one is Dark gold and a bronze looking color.

And this next one is a multi color one. Pictures don't do any of these justice.

And this one is a bright multi color one. Colors pop in this one.

Thanks for dropping by.
Smiles to you.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Finished my needle book

I finished the needle book from last night.

I apologize for the picture quality, I'm still working on that skill.

Thanks for dropping by.
Smiles to you.

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Needle Book

Started a needle book. Should get it finished tomorrow. Here's a pic of what I have got done on it so for.

The hearts are 3 strands of DMC floss. done in chain stitch. The green is 3 strands of DMC done in stem stitch. Around the edge is crochet thread, I think #10 done in a chain stitch.

I can see by the photo that I need to doodle on paper before I grab my needle. Every thing that is not lined up right really shows in a photo. This did not take very long, I may just start over with it in the morning. Line things up better.

Thanks for dropping by.
Smiles to you.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sewing patterns

Went through some of my sewing patterns today. Thought I'd thin things down a bit. Things seem to pile up around here if I don't prune once in a while. So I dug out some of the patterns that I got with great intentions, but never got around to using.

I have done loads of sewing over the years. Made my living at it for a while. And made most of my own clothes, and my kids clothes when they were small. As they grew they started making their own clothes. I made lots of teddy bears, and rabbits, and sheep, and dolls for gifts. But never got around to dear Noah with his Ark, or the cute snow men family, or the ducks (or are they chickens?)

It's hard for me to part with patterns. Any patterns. I love patterns. Sewing patterns, and especially hand sewing patterns, like embroidery, crazy quilt, applique patterns, cross stitch. I love them all. Patterns from shops, patterns from magazines. And when a person collects them for as long as I have, there gets to be a bit too many.

I'm afraid it's the same with all the supplies that go with the patterns. The fabric, the thread, the yarn, the needles, the embroidery floss....  Love them too. Those eventually all get used. Perhaps not for what they were purchased for, but they will get used. And they do pile up, because my craft budget is so tight, I stock up where I find bargains and clearance sales and save them till I need them. I live in a small apartment, my cutting board is slid in between the fridge and the cabinet, my fabric is in any drawer or shelf I can squeeze it into. My thread is in gallon jars on the book shelf - looks cool there.

I'm fairly sure that I am not the only stitcher with storage problems. :)

I would love to have a craft room. I envy all of you who have a whole room for crafts. What a wonderful thing that must be.

Thanks for dropping by. Smiles to you. Linda

Friday, September 6, 2013

September ORT Jar Report

Here it is. My very first ORT jar posting! I've been following the ORT reports for over a year and finally have my own blog so I too can post my ORT jar. And here it is  - Ta-Da - My little part of the TUSAL.

(clear throat with slight blush) Okay - so it's a bowl.
I have a "jar" that will eventually show up on my ORT reports. For now it's my little bowl standing in for it. I saw the perfect jar at the store, so last month I bought it. It was full of Blackberry jelly. Yum, Blackberry jelly, it's my favorite. It's just a small jar, but I can't eat that much jelly and it sits half full of jelly in my fridge. Until I can eat the rest, I guess I have an ORT bowl. :) And to see what this is all about go to see Daffycat at  (Thanks for the ORT fun Daffycat)

Thanks for dropping by.  Smiles to you.  Linda


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Crochet necklace

I did a little crochet today. Made this necklace.

That was about all the fun stuff today. The rest of the day went to house work and paying bills and such as that.

Thanks for dropping in. Smiles to you. Linda

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Little pillows

I think I have the comment problem fixed now.

Been sewing some little pillows today for my doll house and I put some in my Etsy shop.

The white pillows behind the throw pillows are pillows inside little pillow cases. Just like a big bed pillow. 

Thank you for dropping by. Smiles to you. Linda